Renewable Energy

We understand the precious nature of energy, which has been the leading cause behind many economic and political crises in the history of humanity. We help protect natural resources, and favor renewable energy for a more sustainable future.
Zorlu Enerji endeavors to make the world a greener place for future generations, continuously expanding the scope of its environmental efforts and investments with each passing day.

- Zorlu Enerji generates 100% of its energy in Turkey from renewable sources.
- The company aims to utilize the power of the sun by installing solar power plants its existing wind and geothermal power plants, particularly Alaşehir GPP, for a total solar power generation of 52 MW.
- Its 95-MW Kızıldere I and II geothermal power plants (GPPs) generate 650 million kWh of energy annually, making them one of the highest-capacity GPPs in the world. The entirety of the water produced from the geothermal reservoir is reinjected into the geothermal system after being used in power generation.
- We are the undisputed leader in Turkey’s geothermal energy industry with installed capacity of 305 MW.
- We carry out forestation activities in and around our power plants to reduce carbon emissions in our areas of operation.
- Our Gold Standard-holding Gökçedağ Wind Power Plant (WPP) has prevented 250,000 tonnes of carbon emissions annually since 2009.

- Our renewable energy power plants also engage in R&D and innovation projects to inject the know-how we have obtained from global projects into our ecosystem.
- We regularly conduct stakeholder analyses for our hydroelectric power plants (HEPPs), and generate power ecologically, as testified by various environmental projects such as fish passages.
- We make future-ready investments in electrification, especially in Turkey, to become part of the European electric vehicle network today.