Mehmet Zorlu Foundation

It raises generations that dream, believe in themselves and have confidence.

It raises generations that dream, believe in themselves and have confidence.

Recognizing that the future of a society hinges on the strength of its well-educated generations, the Mehmet Zorlu Foundation proudly extends its support to 2000 students annually through its scholarship program. The Mehmet Zorlu Foundation has successfully empowered over 30 thousand students through the program, preparing them for a secure future.

Mehmet Zorlu had another dream: to provide to other people that he could not have in his lifetime. In particular, to do something that will provide education and cultural opportunities for young people... Just like Zorlu Holding started with the dreams of Zorlu family, Mehmet Zorlu Foundation started with his dream.

Mehmet Zorlu Foundation, founded in 1999, started its activities with the goal of contributing to the growth of generations that dream, believe in and trust in themselves; supporting of young people in education, culture and health, helping them get one step ahead in life.

Mehmet Zorlu Vakfı

Mehmet Zorlu Foundation

Changing the lives of 2000 students every year.

The Mehmet Zorlu Foundation is establishing schools and technology centers across different regions of Turkey, dedicated to providing improved educational opportunities for children and young individuals, empowering them to pursue their dreams and fostering their overall growth and development. Prior to the establishment of the Mehmet Zorlu Foundation, Hacı Mehmet Zorlu High School, founded in 1991 within Mehmet Zorlu’s father’s hometown, and Saide Zorlu Anatolian Trade Vocational High School, constructed in Avcılar in 1998, were transferred to the Ministry of National Education.

The schools built after the Foundation became operational are:

  • Hakkı Dereköylü Anatolian High School for Fine Arts – Denizli (2003)
  • Mehmet Zorlu Primary Education School – Serdivan, Adapazarı (2005)
  • İnlice Ahmet Nazif Zorlu Primary Education School – Fethiye, Muğla (2008)
  • Haji Mehmet Zorlu Education, Culture, and Rehabilitation Center for the Physically Handicapped – Ankara (2008)


  • Haji Mehmet Zorlu Vocational School for the Handicapped – Yıldırım, Bursa (2010)
  • Vestel Technical and Vocational High School for Girls – Van (2012)
  • Ahmet Nazif Zorlu Anatolian High School for Teaching (2012)
  • Science and Technology Center – Bursa (2012)



Zorlu Cocuk Tiyatrosu

In addition to its activities in the field of education, Mehmet Zorlu Foundation has also reached more than 900.000 children with nearly 2000 performances in 17 years through Zorlu Children's Theater.



21Yy Egitimler

We raise talents of the

With "21. Century Competencies” themed training programs, we aim to ensure that young people are equipped not only with academic, technical and professional knowledge, but also with the skills and competencies required by the 21st century.