

We aim to elevate Turkey's vision in human rights, working conditions, environment and ethics in all areas where we operate.

We manage our economic, social, environmental and ethical codes with our corporate sustainability credentials. We continue to work committed to our ethical rules in order to raise people's quality of life and to maximize the balance of resources with natural life.

United Nations Global Compact

The United Nations Global Compact, which we signed in 2007, is guiding us in shaping our vision for the future with its ten principles regarding human rights, working conditions, environment and fight against corruption.

United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles

We value full and effective participation of women in decision-making processes in economic and social life. In 2015, we have signed the United Nations Womens’ Empowerment Principles (UNWEP) to reinforce our commitment to inclusive growth and equality between men and women in working life. We support gender equality across all our holding companies.

Click for Zorlu Holding Gender Equality Manifest.

Click for Zorlu Holding Domestic Violance Prevention Policy

Carbon Disclosure Project

Zorlu Energy became the first energy company to transparently share greenhouse gas emissions, climate change risks and management strategies in the energy sector under the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).

30% Club

We support the 30% Club, which aims to improve gender equality in decision mechanisms of companies and to increase the proportion of women in management boards and senior management of companies to 30%.

Women’s Entrepreneurs Association

We support the “Kadından Almalı, Memleket Kazanmalı” (“Buy from women, make your country win”) campaign of "Women's Entrepreneurs Association (KAGİDER)", aiming to increase purchases from women suppliers in the private sector and public tenders.

Click for Ethical Principles

Click for Human Rights Policy